Record Detail
Investigating microeconomics
Conventional treaties on microeconomics are usually either too abstract or too piecemeal for beginning students and lay reader. Recognizing the difficulties that many beginners may encounter with standard approaches to the subject, Jim Eggert has developed a new, personal, integrated approach: INVESTIGATING MICROECONOMICS. This book will help all readers obtain an earlier grasp of this lively subject and gain a realistic sense of its immediacy and pertinence to consumer and producer behaviour, to American industries and markets in general, and to each individual's continuous involvement with the larger economic scene. The author's narrative style, the concrete examples and effective graphics throughout make the book ideal either for self-study or use as an introductory text.
2014-04788 | 338.5 EGG I | Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center Library | Available |
Detail Information
Series Title |
Call Number |
338.5 EGG I
Publisher | William Kaufmann : California., 1979 |
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Edition |
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Statement of Responsibility |
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