Record Detail
Directory of Indonesian oil & gas business partners on services, material, and equipment suppliers 2001-2002
To achieve such goal, the publication of "Directory of Oil and Gas Business Partners on Services, Materials and Equipment Suppliers 2001-2002" is an important contribution to the development of the oil and gas industry and the national energy industry. The Directory is intended to provide information on the existing players in the field of oil and gas industry as well as the related materials and services. The Directory is also expected to serve as a source of information for decision makers - government and private sector alike - in the field of oil and gas, and as a media promotion to enhance the national oil and gas industries, materials producers and service providers. All these efforts ultimately aim at making the national oil and gas companies the master in our home country and competitive at global market.
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Detail Information
Series Title |
Call Number |
Publisher | Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Compartment of Oil and Gas : Jakarta., 2001 |
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Carrier Type |
Edition |
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Statement of Responsibility |
Purwohadi, Bambang dan Hardimanto, Didit
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