Record Detail
Report of The 17th Indonesia-Japan Joint Economic Committee Meeting
The joint economic committee meeting is very opportune considering the vast changing economic sphere in Japan, Indonesia as well as in ASEAN and other parts of the world, to exchange and sharing views as to reach a deeper mutual understanding. Despite many issues are still to be addressed to in the shortest time possible, Japan and Indonesian business communities both concurred that further promotion and investment between the two cOunties as well as bilateral cooperation in other areas should continue to be strengthen not only for Japan and Indonesia's advantage but also as a contribution to the efforts to attain stability and prosperity in the East Asia Region on the whole.
2014-03556 | 337.598051 KOM R | Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center Library | Available |
Detail Information
Series Title |
Call Number |
337.598051 KOM R
Publisher | Komite Ekonomi Indonesia-Japan : Jakarta., 2003 |
Collation |
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Edition |
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Specific Detail Info |
Statement of Responsibility |
Komite Ekonomi Indonesia-Japan
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