Record Detail
Heart of a lion
"Heart of a Lion" is a tribute to the extraordinary resilience and compassion displayed by Singaporeans in the wake of the devastating Asian tsunami. The disaster, caused by a massive earthquake off the coast of Sumatra, unleashed destructive tidal waves across the Indian Ocean. Although Singapore was spared the worst of the tsunami, its citizens responded with overwhelming empathy, extending aid and support to the affected regions. This book honors the thousands of lives lost and celebrates the tireless efforts of Singaporeans who contributed to humanitarian relief and rebuilding efforts. Through their bravery and selflessness, they became a beacon of hope and exemplified the "heart of a lion" in their response to the crisis.
2014-04504 | 361.8 RAH H | Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center Library | Available |
Detail Information
Series Title |
Call Number |
361.8 RAH H
Publisher | Mercy Relief : Singapura., 2007 |
Collation |
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Edition |
Subject(s) | |
Specific Detail Info |
Statement of Responsibility |
Soh, Felix dan Rahman, Saat A.
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