Record Detail
Business organization and finance: legal and economic principles
The main objective of this book is to explain the basic economic elements, legal principles, and language of business organization and finance in a simple yet comprehensive manner. The aim is to show the practical importance of understanding these concepts and their interrelationships, even for those with no prior background in business, accounting, economics, or law. The book seeks to make the study of business interesting and enjoyable for readers, including those who may find it intimidating at first. It humanizes big business by highlighting that corporations are made up of individuals with human characteristics, aiming to deepen readers' understanding of complex socioeconomic organizations. The final chapters focus on corporate finance, delving into the economic function of financial instruments, valuation, relationships between managers and shareholders, and recent challenges in modern financial markets such as the financial crisis and advancements in technology, structured finance, and derivatives.
FY-827 | BIS KLE B | Available |
Detail Information
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Publisher | Foundation Press : New York., 2010 |
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