Record Detail
Study guide for economics principles, problem, decisions
This extensive program of review and exercise material is designed to facilitate self-paced study of introductory economics. Questions begin at a relatively easy level and increase gradually in rigor. Review materials are more extensive for more difficult economic concepts. The approach is six-prolonged, providing students with a flexible tool to test their mastery of the principles of economics:
1. Chapter profile provides an outline of each chapter and Behavioral Objectives highlight the major concepts to be mastered.
2. Case studies (one per chapter) show how the chapter’s principles and concepts can be applied to major issues of public and private policy.
3. Limbering-up exercises in the form of Matching Questions and Completion Questions open the way to systematic review.
4. The numerous True-False and Multiple-Choice questions can be used for self-tests.
5. Discussion and extension questions provide stimulation for classroom discussions.
6. Short causes in the form of problems stimulate real-world situations and require the students to work with actual data in tabular and diagrammatic form fostering their ability to apply economic reasoning in the course of daily life.
2014-03537 | 330 MAN S | Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center Library | Available |
Detail Information
Series Title |
Call Number |
330 MAN S
Publisher | W.W. Norton dan Company : New York., 1980 |
Collation |
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Classification |
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Carrier Type |
Edition |
Subject(s) | |
Specific Detail Info |
Statement of Responsibility |
Edwin Mansfield
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