Record Detail
Federal income tax : fifth edition
If you are considering buying this book, you likely already have a casebook. Most casebooks include explanations and cases, with some being particularly good, such as the Klein, Bankman, Shaviro casebook. This book stands out by using a question-and-answer approach to teach the subject. Each topic is summarized, followed by a series of questions and answers to test your understanding. The fifth edition incorporates changes from various tax-related acts.
The book is meant to complement your class and readings, helping you master basic tax rules and concepts. It includes a variety of topics and can be used alongside your tax course. Students have praised the previous editions and this updated version aims to refine examples and explanations while addressing recent tax law changes. By using a question-and-answer format, the book helps students develop issue-spotting skills and includes sample law school exams to test your knowledge. This resource covers a wide range of topics that may be included in your tax course, allowing you to easily find relevant material for your studies.
FY-378 | HKM BAN F | Available |
Detail Information
Series Title |
Call Number |
Publisher | Aspen Publishers : New York., 1995 |
Collation |
Language |
Classification |
Content Type |
Media Type |
Carrier Type |
Edition |
fifth edition
Subject(s) | |
Specific Detail Info |
Statement of Responsibility |
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