Archipelago leadership
This book essentially discusses leadership in the archipelago since it was still in the form of a kingdom until it became modern Indonesia today. The leadership is extracted from the virtues of 8 Javanese leadership characters, namely Asta Brata Candra, Hyang Kartika, Hyang Bayu, Hyang Himanda, Hyang Brahma, Hyang Baruna, Hyang Pratula, the values of the Javanese leadership trilogy Ing Ngarso Sung tuladha Ing Madya Mangun Karso Tut Wuri Handayani and philosophical wayang from the mountains.
Indonesia, which lives in a diversity of races, cultures, customs, and abundant natural resources, needs strong leaders at various levels from the lowest to the highest level. Leadership is important to manage the country in achieving Indonesia's national goals. A safe and prosperous life as mandated by the opening of the 1945 Constitution as a leadership model and source of Indonesian leadership can be read in the book Archipelago Leadership Sc. This book also describes a description of the leadership capital of the President of the Republic of Indonesia from President Soekarno to President Joko Widodo. Especially in terms of maritime leadership, 21st century leadership and all the problems that accompany it are also discussed.
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